Individual Counseling
Ever since the revolution Americans fought in 1776, horses have been part of the military. A soldier riding a horse has become a symbol of war and physical courage – an icon of the brave person willing to ride into the "valley of death" to defend home and country. Now horses again are coming to aid the military — but this time, it is to help wounded warriors not in battle, but after they return home.
Out Side In offers Equine Assisted Psychotherapy for Veterans and their families, because we realize the traumatic effects of war impact everyone in a soldiers life. At Out Side In, we use horses to treat the psychological wounds of war such as post traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, and many other emotional and mental health issues.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) is often a more appealing form of therapy because it mirrors other training and military experiences. Instead of sitting in an office talking (which often can feel confining and stigmatizing); in the arena or pasture with the horses, something active (physical and psychological) is experienced. Reconnecting with nature and establishing a relationship with a horse can often bypass defenses and allow one to be more open to addressing issues in their life. We accept all major insurances and have financial assistance for those in need.
So, if you or your family are struggling to adjust, pre or post deployment, please contact us by clicking here or call us at(616) 844-0906.