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About Us

Out Side In is both an outpatient mental health treatment facility and a functioning horse farm that specializes in retiring, rehabilitating, retraining and re-homing off-track thoroughbred race horses. Utilizing Equine Assisted Psychotherapy our licensed therapists treat a wide variety of emotional, behavioral, and mental health issues. We bring therapy outside of the four walls of a typical therapist’s office and utilizing “strengths perspective” methodology, the therapists and the horses help clients to learn to cope with life’s difficulties in a non-traditional environment. We take most insurances including Medicaid.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy utilizes horses as a tool and a catalyst for not just reaching the clients, but as a mirror into one’s own emotions. Horses are emotional creatures and can often sense what we are feeling before we can. As the client participates in structured activities both on horseback and on the ground, they develop the ability to recognize their issues and find the strength to face those issues head on. EAP has been proven to be effective in treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, RAD, ODD, and ADHD, just to name a few.
We have been rehabilitating thoroughbred racehorse right off of the racetrack for a few years now. What is special about our program is that it is our clients who help us to rehabilitate, restore, retrain and eventually rehome our retired racehorses. The two-fold mission of our facility, the therapy component and the OTTB rehabilitation component weave together to form something unique and very special

As a non-profit agency, we rely heavily on the donations of empathetic and generous people like you to continue to provide services to all, regardless of ability to pay.



Board of Directors

In the News


12511 152nd Ave, Grand Haven, MI 49417, USA

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